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Benefits of Omega 3 to pregnant mothers.

Benefits of Omega 3 to pregnant mothers

Benefits of Omega 3 to pregnant mothers. Eating omega-3 fatty acids has a positive effect on the health of pregnant and breastfeeding individuals. It may be useful in various areas as follows Reduce abnormalities in pregnancy Some studies suggest that DHA fatty acid supplementation  may help prevent premature birth. Reduce the

Omega 3 Nutrients For Pregnant

Omega 3 Nutrients For Pregnant

Omega 3 Nutrients For Pregnant. Omega 3 is very important for pregnant mothers and nursing mothers. It is an essential nutrient for the brain, eyes and nervous system of the fetus. This fatty acid helps support the development of the brain and the immune system as a

Add probiotics for a healthy body

Add probiotics for a healthy body.

Add probiotics for a healthy body. Probiotics can typically find in fermented foods. Such as curd, yogurt, kimchi, miso, pickles, some cheeses, fermented tea or kombucha. But most probiotic foods are processed foods that tend to contain relatively high amounts of sugar and sodium, so they should

How a regular intake of probiotics can benefit your health

How a regular intake of probiotics can benefit your health(2).

Good for people with intestinal problems Constipation and diarrhea are just some of the disorders within the digestive tract. Some people may have intestinal diseases such as colitis, Chron’s Disease, ulcer disease. And irritable bowel syndrome These diseases are chronic and often cause bloating, indigestion, abdominal pain, constipation

How a regular intake of probiotics can benefit

How a regular intake of probiotics can benefit

Let’s take a look at how a regular intake of probiotics can benefit your health. Enhance the function of the digestive system and absorption. Balanced bacterial flora maintains the function of various systems by their role in the digestive tract, including digestion and absorption of

probiotics important for digestive and health?

Why are probiotics important for digestive and health?

Why are probiotics important for digestive and health? Inside and outside the human body are all inhabited by bacteria. It is the skin, nasal cavity, lungs, genitals and of course the digestive system Such as the small intestine, colon, stomach, anus and many other organs. There are

Bone Nourishing Food.

Bone Nourishing Food

Bone Nourishing Food. Bone nourishment is important for the health of the body. Because it may help strengthen bones from a young age And reduce the risk of health problems that may arise with the bones Which occurs easily as they get older Whether rickets Osteoporosis Broken bone condition from accident

5 delicious foods destroy the enamel

5 delicious foods destroy the enamel

5 delicious foods destroy the enamel. Dilicious food, everyone likes it, but many people do not think that they have eaten. Destroys enamel to deteriorate, including unsightly yellow teeth. Which many foods For example, it is something that we could never imagine that would destroy a tooth. Citrus

Diseases that accompany summer

Diseases that accompany summer. These days people tend to get sick more easily, both from drinking water. Unclean food and food spoilage. Makes it easy to become serious diseases, especially gastrointestinal diseases. In the same period every year, the disease is prevalent and the respiratory disease is considered

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by mood disorders. With an abnormality in the surging phase Alternating with the depressive phase, which is the opposite of the two poles. The depression phase will feel boredom Not all pleasure. Sensitive, easy to cry, unable to bear loud noises. I don’t